Did Trump do something unusual to get financing - more favorable loans for his business dealings, or is this an abuse of political power by the Democrats to keep him from conducting business in the state of New York and putting another feather in their cap to be used against him on the campaign trail?
However, the question remains: Is Trump guilty of fraud? John explains why he isn't and tackles the long-term ramifications, its domino effect, and how this case could be used against other people in the commercial real estate world, right down to the average American homeowner.
Take a listen as John explains the ins and outs of this court case. Later in this segment, John from Cheyenne called in and offered his insights, creating more angles on how to view this court case and what it can mean in the future.
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HR 3 Rush To Reason February 24 2021 by John Rush
Find previous interviews with Dr. Kelly at Rush To Reason. Questions From Listeners: I was sick in Feb. 2021, got over it, don't know...