Covid: The Politicizing of a Virus

March 18, 2022 00:45:17
Covid: The Politicizing of a Virus
Rush To Reason - Interviews
Covid: The Politicizing of a Virus

Mar 18 2022 | 00:45:17


Hosted By

John Rush

Show Notes

Political Agendas/Biden’s New Covid Czar/Individualized Healthcare?

Dr. Kelly Victory and Steve House joined John and continued the Covid Chronicles. 


Dr. Kelly, "President Biden has appointed Dr. Ashish Jha to be the new Covid coordinator or the Covid Czar, as the previous guys just stepped down. The reason this is concerning to me, actually, the reasons are multiple. This guy has a long and storied history of being someone who espouses sort of the social determinants of health rather than the science of health.

He clearly has a political agenda. From what I've seen, based on his actions throughout the pandemic, people who have followed him or listened to him on the mainstream media may recall he was the person who called Senator Ron Johnson a, quote, "snake oil salesman" for attempting to suggest that there might be some early treatment options available other than ones being hawked by the federal government.

Medications like Ivermectin, for example, and Dr. Jha, I called him [Senator Johnson] a snake oil salesman, which is, as you know, far from the truth. Whether or not you individually want to take ivermectin to treat or prevent Covid is up to a discussion between you and your doctor. But the idea that he would dismiss the reams of scientific evidence that supports those of us who do believe that there's some value to using ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine or steroids or other medications really is preposterous and certainly is not based on medical science. It's based on political science." 

Listen to the podcast for the entire interview. 

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