A video of Dr. Robert Malone is not what mRNA investors want you to see.
Robert Malone is the original inventor of mRNA vaccination as a technology, DNA vaccination, and multiple non-viral DNA and RNA/mRNA platform delivery technologies. He holds numerous fundamental domestic and foreign patents in the fields of gene delivery, delivery formulations, and vaccines: including four fundamental DNA and RNA/mRNA vaccine technologies.
And he's got something to say about vaccinating with this particular vaccine. Which dovetails into this question, "will the government tell you the truth? Will our government, any government, tell you the truth?
Imagine a life where you are financially savvy and independent, living with purpose and generosity while inspiring others. Keisha Blair Economist and author of...
HR 2 Rush To Reason March 26 2021 by John Rush
HR 3 RushTo Reason March 5 2021 by John Rush